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Shaheen Rushd

মহুয়া সুলতানা (x)

Laal Advisory Board


Mohua Sultana (she/her)  is a dedicated community organizer and activist involved in numerous causes and organizations fighting Islamophobia, ensuring education equity, and protecting the rights of women and immigrants. She also supports progressive local and national candidates as a grass-roots organizer and was an elected member of the Kings County Democratic County Committee.  She is on the board of directors of Sakhi for South Asian Women, a nonprofit which partners with survivors of domestic violence in the South Asian diaspora in NYC. Shaheen was on the Executive Committee of the board of New York Appleseed and a member of the Advisory Committee of Muslims in Brooklyn Project for the Brooklyn Historical Society. She was a judge in the inaugural awards of the Spark Prize by the Brooklyn Community Foundation to “the most pioneering nonprofits advancing equity in Brooklyn.”


She previously served on the Brooklyn Community Foundation’s Spark Prize Committee (annually awards $500,000 to five non-profits that had provided outstanding services in Brooklyn, with firm commitment to racial, sexual and economic equity); New York Advisory Committee for Human Rights Watch; the boards of directors of Artworks for Youth and Kalamazoo College. For almost thirty years—twenty years as a partner—Shaheen was with Pomerantz Haudek Grossman & Gross (now Pomerantz LLC), where she successfully litigated complex class and individual actions for consumers and shareholders victimized by securities fraud and corporate breaches of fiduciary duties that resulted in hundreds of millions of dollars recovered for plaintiffs.


Born in Bangladesh, Shaheen is bilingual (English and Bengali). She is a graduate of Kalamazoo College (magna cum laude),  and holds a JD from New York Law School (summa cum laude, first in class).

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